Tomb of the Lamplighter - Platforms with Gas Vent, Pressure Pad,
and Red Skull #4

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris screenshot
The pressure pad on the platform near the entrance turns on a gas vent on the next platform to the left, but the pad must be pressed continually to keep the gas flowing. In the single-player game, hop across the gap...

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris screenshot
...and place a remote bomb behind the large metal ball. Jump back over to the right and detonate the bomb to fling the ball across the gap.

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris screenshot
Grab it and roll it beneath the ledge on the right so you can climb up to get the red skull (4/5).

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris screenshot
Then roll the ball onto the pressure pad. Jump back across the gap...

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris screenshot
...and use your torch to light the gas vent. Doing so reveals a grapple ring on the higher ledge in the upper corner.

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris screenshot
Grapple the ring, leap out into the gap, and climb up.

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris screenshot
In the 2-player game, there is no metal ball. So begin by having Lara jump on Isis's or Horus's shield to reach the red skull (4/5).

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris screenshot
Then the Egyptian can stand on the pressure pad to activate the gas vent while Lara jumps over and lights it, revealing the grapple ring ahead.

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris screenshot
The cover on the ring only stays open if the gas remains lit. So Lara should then jump back to the right, take Isis's or Horus's place on the pressure pad, and grapple the ring so the other character can tightrope walk up the cable.

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris screenshot
Once the Egyptian reaches the higher ledge. Lara should release the ring, grapple the other character instead, and then leap out into the gap, and climb up.

The puzzle is the same for 4-player co-op as it is for 2-player. Just get everyone across via tightrope except for Lara or Carter, who should stand on the pressure pad and extend the grapple. Then he or she can step off the pad, grapple one of the other characters, and climb up. I assume 3-player is the same.

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