The Gulag - Data Corruption Challenge

This page should help you find the laptops for this challenge in order as you play through the level for the first time. If you're revisiting this area later in the game, the separate collectibles guide may be more useful.

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot
The challenge in this area involves destroying 10 red laptop computers belonging to the Trinity operatives. The first two are inside the Command Center. One is sitting next to the console you use to open the gate.

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot
One is on the opposite side of the room.

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot
The next red laptop (3/10) is on the side of the Command Center with some other computer equipment.

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot
The next red laptop (4/10) is sitting on a box near the large, blue gate you just opened...

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot is the next red laptop (5/10).

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot
The sixth laptop (6/10) is just inside the blue gate, to the right of the post where you anchor a rope line.

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Later, shortly after you learn how to make shrapnel grenades, Lara is in a building about to drop through a hole in the floor. To the left of the hole is a document. To the right is the next red laptop (7/10). This is also mentioned in the main walkthrough.

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Next, on the hillside with the wooden sheds just beyond The Gulag Base Camp, where you fight the large squad of Trinity soldiers, the first shed on the left as you come up the hill has a laptop (8/10).

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot
The next red laptop (9/10) is in the third shed.

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot
The final red laptop (10/10) is in the computer shack, where you find the 4 dead Trinity operatives. As you enter the shack, turn around to face the door and you'll spot it sitting on a table next to a document (15/26).

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