Catacombs of the Talion - Second Tibetan Mask

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Go through the archway where the last pair of leopards emerged and climb onto the rock outcropping just inside on the left.

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On the other side of these rocks is a small cave with a pool of water. Drop into the pool.

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Swim down and pick up another TIBETAN MASK (2/2).

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NOTE: There's a bright object sitting on a little underwater platform beyond the barred opening. You can also see it under the ice in the next room. This is a GONG HAMMER, which you won't be able to get until the next level.

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Climb back out of the water and pull up onto the snowy ledge.

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There are 2 armed thugs waiting below. Take care of them and steal their small medi pack, Uzi clips and 2 sets of automatic pistol clips.

[Return to the Catacombs of the Talion Walkthrough]

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