Wreck of the Maria Doria - Ballroom: First Circuit Breaker

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Go to the far right corner of the room to find a pair of low ramps where the floor (i.e., the ship's ceiling) has buckled.

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Walk to the highest point of the ramp on the left and jump straight up to grab the edge of the balcony. Pull up and go around the corner to the left.

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Drop and hang from the edge and traverse left.

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Ignore the open door for now.

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Continue traversing to the left to wherever the sniper fell when you shot him earlier.

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Pull up and take his auto pistol clips. Then follow the balcony around toward the entrance.

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When you come to the wide gap with broken glass below, stop and take a moment to set up the next jump so Lara doesn't accidentally land in the glass.

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Walk to the edge, hop back once and then take the running jump, holding Action to grab the edge of the balcony ahead.

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Pull up and take the FIRST CIRCUIT BREAKER of three.

[Return to the Maria Doria Walkthrough]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.