Offshore Rig - Room with Ramp and Metal Catwalks

If you rush into the next room, Lara will be ambushed by 3 more rig workers. But if you proceed with caution, you can take them out one at a time.

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First, draw pistols and step into the doorway without going any farther. Lara will target the enemy on the catwalk to the left so you can shoot him without taking any damage or triggering the other enemies.

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Then enter the room and immediately take a running jump across the shallow pit on the left to land on the catwalk. An alarm starts blaring, but there's nothing you can do about it, so just go on about your business.

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Two goons with clubs appear: one materializes inside the room, one enters from the hallway. Although they can climb onto the other metal ledges in this room, they can't reach Lara here.

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Take your time and use pistols so you don't waste ammo. Afterward, loot the bodies for a small medi pack, flares and shotgun shells.

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Climb back onto the catwalk on the left, where the first bad guy fell. Find the movable box in the corner.

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Push it once.

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Go around to the ledge on the opposite side of the box. Climb up and pull the box once.

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Then return to the other side and push the box once more so it's sitting on the protruding ledge.

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Climb onto the metal platform on the other side of the room and take a running jump to grab the edge of the movable box.

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Pull up, turn right, step back to the outer corner of the box and take a standing jump to grab the edge of the opening above. Pull up into the passageway.

[Return to the Offshore Rig Walkthrough]

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