Offshore Rig - Escaping from Lockup

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Go around the crates to the back left corner and pull the first movable crate out twice.

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Climb over it to find the passageway leading to the switch that opens the exit. The door is on a timer, though, so you'll need to move a few crates out of the way to clear a path to the exit beforehand.

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Push the crate you just moved once more from behind.

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Then climb back over the crates to the area near the window.

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Stand on the left side of the crate nearest the window (i.e., the left side when Lara's back is to the windows) and push it once.

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Turn to the crate on the left and pull it once, so it's next to the last crate you moved.

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Climb over it.

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Then push it once more from behind. Now you should have a clear path through the room.

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Now go to the end of the passage and pull the switch.

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A brief cut scene shows the door opening. You can cancel it and get Lara's perspective back by tapping the Look button.

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Then roll. . .

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. . . run back along the passage and to the left. . .

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. . . around to the right. . .

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. . . and on through the door before it closes.

[Return to the Offshore Rig Walkthrough]

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