Opera House - Climbing from the Floor to Level 3

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Climb up to LEVEL 2 through the square opening in the ceiling near the boulder trap.

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Walk to the edge on the far left (again, when facing the stage) where there's a gap in the ceiling. Take a standing jump to grab the edge of the floor on the level above and pull up.

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Turn around and jump across the gap and take 2 sets of automatic pistol clips from the baddie you shot earlier. There's another DOOR AND KEYHOLE at the back end of this level, so add one key to your "wish list."

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For now, go through the opening in the side wall near where you just pulled up (i.e., the left wall when facing the stage) and drop into the water below.

[Return to the Opera House Walkthrough]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.