High Security Compound - Green Crawlspace to Yellow Key and Lock

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Go through the green crawlspace to emerge in a dark passageway with metal walls. Follow it to the end.

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Flip the switch to open the door on the other side of the grate. You can't get through from this side, so return through the passageway and green crawlspace to the ledge overlooking the pool.

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Slide down the slope into the pool...

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...and swim down through the underwater tunnel in the far right corner.

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Follow this tunnel forward then up and to the right.

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On the bottom, about halfway along the upward slope, there's a small medi pack. Grab it and then surface and wade forward.

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Step up into the passageway on the right and proceed with caution.

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There's an armed guard on patrol in the hallway ahead. It doesn't matter if you light a flare here or not. The trick to evading the guard is to crawl into the green tunnel and just keep moving. Crawl forward as the guard moves off to the left. Then, as soon as Lara emerges from the tunnel and can stand...

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...run to the right and around the corner into the next room before he turns around and sees you.

NOTES: If the guard spots Lara and starts shooting, you can either reload and try the sequence again, or run down the hallway to the right and quickly press the button in the alcove opposite the grate to shut the door so the guard can't get in. (This button is shown in the screenshot below.) Wait for him to wander off and then press the button again to re-open the door. I'll include a reminder about this later on in case you forget.

If you reach this point and the metal door is closed, preventing you from entering the next room, then you missed a switch. Return through the crawlspace and the flooded tunnel to the pool at the base of the tower. Fight the current to reach the surface. Climb out onto the burner and pick up the walkthrough at the section where you jump around the edge of the pool to reach the green crawlspace, here.

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Once you get past the guard, climb the ladder on the left, just beyond the metal door and grate. (There's another ladder in the next room, but we're not ready to go there yet. The switch on the other side of the grate is the one you used earlier to open this door.)

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