High Security Compound - Escaping from the Cell

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From the starting position facing the cell door...

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...backflip into the window to trip the motion sensor.

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The door opens, and a miltary policeman rushes in and tries to pummel Lara with his baton. Just before he reaches the window sill, jump over him.

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Run out the door and then roll so Lara is facing into the cell.

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Hop back and grab the edge of the walkway. When you do this, the guard stupidly believes Lara has gone downstairs. He runs out of the cell, along the walkway, and down to the lower level. Continue hanging here until he's come all the way around and is standing just below.

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Now pull up. The guard realizes his mistake and starts running back toward you. Quickly press the button on the wall to the right of your cell.

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This opens the adjacent cell, releasing a burly convict, who heads straight for the guard. Run after him and press the button between the next two cells to release another prisoner.

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The two convicts will then subdue the guard. (Is it just me, or do all these guys look like clones of George Michael on steroids?)

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