Crash Site - Raptor Pool - Lt. Tuckerman's Key (part 2)
Includes Secret #3

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Now climb a little higher: Take a standing jump up onto the triangular block in the corner.

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Turn right, back up to the wall, and take another standing jump to grab the flat branch ahead.

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Pull up and shoot the raptor on the next branch from here. If it hasn't yet noticed Lara and started moving, just jump over to the stone ledge with the save/power-up crystal and shoot from there.

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Once you've dealt with the raptor, jump from the stone ledge to the big branch that bends up at the end. Walk to the left end of the branch.

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Sidestep to the left edge (toward the waterfall), angle Lara just slightly to the left, and then take a standing jump to grab the flat edge where the branch juts out to the left.

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Pull up and walk forward to find some MP5 clips. This is SECRET #3.

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Turn around and slide back down to the branch below.

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Turn left and walk to the end of the branch near the dangling raptor carcass. Then take a running jump to the green ledge ahead on the left.

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Go around behind the tree trunk to find a small medi pack.

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Then move back to the edge and shoot pistols in the general direction of the hanging carcass. Lara won't actually target the dead thing, but this will cause it to fall into the water, but this will cause it to fall into the water below...

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...attracting the attention of the hungry piranhas.

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Now you can jump down into the pool and pull the underwater lever to open the gate above.

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Swim under the wooden bridge and climb out of the pool on the same side as the lever; there's a section of the green bank where the edge is slightly lower.

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Ready weapons to fight the raptor that emerges from the building. If you like, you can shoot it as it approaches and hop back into the water so it doesn't bite Lara. Wait for it to run into the building and then climb out and repeat the process.

[Part 1 | Part 3 | Return to the Crash Site Walkthrough]