Jungle - Mossy Courtyard with Square Pillars - Flooded

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Swim across to the far left corner...

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...and climb out on the ledge below the waterfall with the two stacked openings. Follow the short passageway behind the falling water to a room with a ladder.

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Turn around, position Lara beneath the ladder and jump straight up to grab it. Climb into the passageway above.

NOTE: If you're having trouble making Lara grab onto the ladder try this: Position her below the ladder and a little in front of it. Hold Action + Jump and she'll jump in place, creeping forward a little bit with each jump, until she's able to grab the ladder. Continue holding Action and press Forward to climb up.

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At the top of the ladder, follow the passageway forward. When you emerge on the rocks, turn right.

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Climb onto the ledge just ahead. Turn right into another short passageway behind the falling water.

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Use the switch there to open the underwater gate below.

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Exit the passage, dive into the water. (This is a great opportunity to try a swan dive: hold Walk then press Jump + Forward.) Swim across the pool and down through the gate you just opened.

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