Madubu Gorge - Upriver on Foot (part 3)

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Jump up and grab the handholds on the ceiling again.

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Now monkey swing straight across the river. The waterfall will be on your left.

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Keep going until you reach the far wall.

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Then drop onto the stone ledge below.

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Turn left and follow the path upstream.

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Take a running jump across the water to the square block to the left of the spikes and blades.

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Turn around and take a running jump to grab the handholds on the wall beyond the spikes.

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Climb upward and to the left as far as you can.

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You'll come to a flat ledge. The first (rightmost) block slopes down toward the water and is very slippery, so don't drop down there. Climb just a little farther to the left and drop onto the next block.

[Part 2 | Part 4 | Return to the Madubu Gorge Walkthrough]