Coastal Village - Alternate Path Through the Serpent Stone Area (part 1)

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If after entering the TEMPLE WITH THE SKYLIGHTS AND DART TRAPS, you chose to jump into the water-filled trench...

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...Lara will be swept downstream...

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...and land on a ledge outside the temple. From the small ledge between the two waterfalls, take a standing jump into either of the openings behind the falls.

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Here you'll find the FIRST SERPENT STONE.

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Now move to either opening and face the ledge between the alcove's two openings. Position at the farthest corner of the tile nearest the opening, then take a standing jump (with Action) through the falling water to land on the ledge.

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Turn left and you'll see a save/power-up crystal in the distance. That's where you're headed next. Take a running jump to grab the stone ledge ahead.

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Pull up and follow the ledge around to the far end. Drop down and get the crystal.

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Then climb back onto the ledge above. Turn right and climb onto the next higher ledge, at the edge of a forested area.

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Head up the hill and to the left between the two big trees.

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Roll and take out a native spearman who tries to sneak up behind you.

[Part 2 | Return to the Alternate Coastal Village Walkthrough]