Coastal Village - Large Cavern with Pool (part 1)

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After shooting the crocodiles in the pool and the tribesman with the blowgun on the high ledge, and picking up the harpoons and HARPOON GUN from the bottom of the pool, climb back onto the ledge at the entrance and take a running jump across the water to the next ledge.

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Take a standing jump to the next ledge.

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Then climb up to the high block near the burning torch.

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Turn right and jump straight up to grab the vines on the ceiling.

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Hold Action to hang on and use the direction buttons to monkey swing across the pool to the other side.

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Release Action to drop onto the ledge.

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Turn right, walk to the edge, and take a standing jump to the next ledge.

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Follow this up and around to the end, which is just above and to the left of the doorway where you came in.

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Turn left and pull up onto the block above.

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Step forward and pull up once more onto a narrow, uneven ledge.

[Part 2 | Return to the Coastal Village Walkthrough]