Land of the Dead - Serpent Pool - Lower to Middle Level

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Climb back on top of the shorter column—the one you used to jump over to the statue earlier. Turn away from the statue toward the serpent's head and grapple the ring on its chin. Jump off the column to hang from the cable.

You need to move fast now, since Lara's weight on the cable opens the serpent's mouth, causing eitr to flow back into the pool. If you don't get off the cable before the rising water reaches Lara, she'll be killed.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Quickly climb the cable until Lara is hanging just below the serpent's head. Turn to face the column. Do not swing back and forth. This will take Lara right into the cascade coming from the serpent's mouth. Instead just jump forward off the cable to grab the handhold ahead. Climb to the left and pull up onto the brownish stone ledge between the columns.

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