The Midgard Serpent - Climbing to the Flame House - Part 2

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Jump to grab the next skinny column.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Point the camera toward the narrow ledge on the square pillar ahead and jump to grab it.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Traverse around to the opposite side of the pillar and then pull up.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
While standing on the narrow ledge, jump straight up to grab the horizontal pole with the hooked end. Climb hand over hand to the end of the pole. On the PS3 or Xbox, continue pressing the left stick in the same direction to climb across the gap onto the next pole. On the PC you must climb to the end of the first pole and then keep pressing the same direction key until Lara's legs swing out into the gap. Then jump to grab the next pole. Climb in toward the column and drop to grab the narrow ledge below.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Climb around to the left.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Pull up to stand on the narrow ledge. Jump from there to the yellowish metal beam jutting out of the wall.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Then jump from the beam to the doorway.

[Part 1 - Return to the Midgard Serpent Walkthrough]