Chasm Stronghold - Lara vs. the Stormguard Army - Part 5

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When the coast is clear, continue up the path. There are 2 boxes of shotgun shells on the right near the red bomb, and 2 boxes of rifle/SMG ammo sitting near the rock in the middle of the path. Go just as far as the end of the wall on your right...

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...and take cover there behind the waist-high block.

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Another pair of archers and a warrior with a sword appear in the building above. There's an explosive ball there you can use to hurt them a bit.

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Like so.

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Then either finish them off quickly or run back down the slope and take cover.

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Deal with the warrior when he comes down after you.

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Then return to the top of the slope and take out the remaining archer(s). Again, you can use rope arrows to pull down the wooden barriers if the archers try and hide behind them.

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As shown here.

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This one decides to climb down once you've destroyed his hiding place, making him easy pickings.

There's another checkpoint after you defeat them. You'll find 2 boxes of shotgun shells on the lower level of the structure at the bend in the path, plus a crate of grenades on the upper level. Get what you need. Then continue up the hill.

[Part 4 | Part 6 | Return to the Chasm Stronghold Walkthrough]