Mountain Village - Quick Route from the Camp to the Wolf Den

If you aren't interested in collectibles, head directly for the wolf den.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Enter the village and jump from the ledge on the right, with the small wooden wagon, onto the roof of the pavilion with the seated statue.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Cross the roof, jump onto the dangling, rope-wrapped crate and then into the building ahead.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Climb the stairs to the floor above.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
At the top of the stairs, turn right...

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
...then left, to emerge on a ledge outside.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Jump to grab the horizontal pole, swing and jump forward to land on the roof of the small gazebo. Jump from there to the top of the wrecked airplane. Now pick up the main walkthrough below at the section Climbing to the Wolves' Den.

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