Mountain Village - Climbing onto the Roof of the Three-Story Building

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Return to the previous room and exit through the door on the right (i.e., the one nearest to where the net was hanging).

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Outside, turn right and climb onto the ROOF.

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Cross the roof and jump to the next section of roof ahead on the right. Move over the roof peak.

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Tucked into a corner at the edge of this roof is a bird's nest (1/5). Approach it and press Interact to steal the eggs inside and unlock the Egg Poacher Challenge. Jump off the outer corner of the roof to land on the ledge below, where you'll find a GPS cache (3/15).

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After retrieving the third GPS cache, step off the ledge onto the rocky slope ahead to slide down onto the grassy ledge below.

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Then jump down to the ledge below this one to find another GPS cache (4/15).

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