Research Base - Elevator/Lift Shaft Puzzle - Part 1

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Starting on LEVEL 2, where you enter this area, use the console to call the elevator. It gets stuck partway down.

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When it stops, the first gear is exposed. Climb onto the crate on the right in order to reach it.

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Use your axe to pry it off.

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The lift then falls a little farther but not far enough.

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Jump into the elevator.

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Cross to the back right corner and climb up through the rectangular opening near the hanging lightbulb.

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Drop down on the other side and head up the stairs.

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As you approach the 3rd-floor landing, look up to find a salvage net. Shoot it with a rope arrow and collect the salvage inside.

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On the landing with the jumble of blue barrels, there's some pistol ammo and a document (2/3), a mysterious telegram from the GPS Secrets set.

[Part 2 | Return to the Research Base Walkthrough]