Temple of Khamoon - Pharaoh Statues

Pull the switch to move the statues together. Immediately turn and run between them back toward the entrance.

Climb onto the chunk of rock on the left and jump to grab the ledge on the first statue.

Quickly pull up, tap the HUD key if necessary to center the camera behind Lara, then run across the ledge and jump to grab the next one on the right side of the aisle. Pull up, turn left and take a running jump across the center aisle to the middle ledge on the other side.

At this point you can stop hurrying, since you'll be able to reach the next ledge even after it retracts. Take a running jump to grab it. Then, if the statue hasn't retracted all the way, wait for that to happen.

Take a running jump off the ledge and grapple the metal ring on the wall above. Wall run, jump and grab the handhold near the corner. Drop down to the handhold below and climb to the right.

Jump to grab the top of the cage door and immediately jump up to grab the stone lintel above before the cage door descends too far. If you don't make it, you must repeat the whole timed run to get back to this point. Once Lara is hanging above the doorway, climb to the right and jump to grab the next narrow ledge. Climb around the corner and continue until you can pull up in the doorway.

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