Sanctuary of the Scion - SMGs on Top of the Sphinx

If you stand at the corner of the ledge nearest the sphinx and look out toward it, you'll see something shiny on top of its head. These are the DUAL MINI SMGs you've been waiting for.

To get there, take a running jump from the corner of the ledge, grapple the metal ring on the ceiling . . .

. . . and swing over to the top of the sphinx. The secret chime sounds when you land near the guns.

The return trip is a little more difficult. You want to grapple the same metal ring again, but for some reason you need to be much more precise with the controls—at least in the PC version of the game. Line Lara up facing the corner of the ledge where you fought the flying mutants.

Run toward the edge and just before Lara reaches the sloping part of the sphinx's headdress, jump forward into the air, taking off at the point indicated by the X in the screenshot above. Quickly release the Forward and Jump keys before pressing Grapple. Then Lara should catch the ring as she falls.

Adjust the length of the cable if necessary and swing back to the ledge.

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