Shakespeare Cliff - Train Wreck Above Deep Pit

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Use the switch in the corner to activate the machine against the wall.

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For whatever odd reason, this opens one of the portable toilet doors around the corner.

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To get to the toilets walk away from the switch, continue forward alongside the train, and then turn left...

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...skirting the rim of the deep pit.

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Draw weapons and hop up onto the ledge in front of the toilet on the far right. The door opens and a worker with a wrench emerges. Poor guy; he probably never expected this piss would be his last. Hop back while shooting. Just watch out for the pit behind you.

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The left stall door also opens when you approach. Collect 2 boxes of shotgun shells, one inside each stall.

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The third toilet, which opened when you threw the switch, contains a mainframe computer. Lara says "No" when you try to use it, indicating that you're missing a necessary item.

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Now, if you want to, you can get one more pickup before descending. Climb on top of the train car.

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Walk over the top of the train and hop down onto the row of yellow crates to trigger the appearance of another enemy in the passageway ahead. Step off the yellow crates onto the gray ledge at the edge of the pit.

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Draw a weapon (the shotgun works well here) and take a diagonal standing jump over to the next ledge on the right.

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Try to kill the orange-suited worker before he reaches the barrel and sets it on fire.

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Then climb onto the ledge behind the barrel to get a rocket.

If the worker does ignite the barrel, you can still get the rocket, either by carefully climbing onto the ledge at its left edge, taking some heat damage, or by waiting until you pass this way again later in the level

NOTE: You can avoid this worker at first by not stepping on the yellow crates and instead hopping down from the train car directly onto the gray ledge. When you retrieve the rocket and hop down, the worker will appear. You'll then have to kill him quickly before he ignites the barrel and shoves Lara into it.

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