Atlantean Stronghold - Shortcut to Level Exit

You are ultimately headed for the uppermost square opening in the honeycomb structure below.

Begin by turning around so the open area is behind Lara and jumping over to the ledge on the right side of the tall building.

Then take a running jump toward the black stone wall that runs along the entire side of this huge cavern. Lara will land on the sloping top of this wall. As she slides back, hold Action to grab the edge.

Traverse along the wall to the right.

After you traverse past the area with the glowing patches, the top of the wall slopes upward a bit then levels off.

Stop in the middle of the first level block. You can't see it, but the uppermost opening in the honeycomb structure is now directly behind Lara. Pull up onto the sloping top of the wall and quickly press Jump. . .

. . . to backflip off the slope. . .

. . . and land on the honeycomb structure below.

Lara will then slide into the hole and fall a long way, eventually landing in the pool deep inside the pyramid.

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