Catacombs of the Talion - Door with Face and Wooden Bridge

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Head back outside to the ramp where you triggered the rolling snowballs earlier. Jump from the step beside the ramp to grab the ledge and pull up into the cave, just like you did before.

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The painted wooden door here should now be open. Go through and cross the first section of wooden bridge.

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When you step into the doorway between the two bridge sections, the snowballs perched up ahead begin to roll. Quickly move onto the ledge on the left just beyond the doorway.

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Wait for the snowballs to pass.

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Then continue to the end of the bridge.

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Turn right. Lara will now be overlooking the OPEN AREA WITH THE WALL OF ICE. Take a running jump to grab the ladder hanging from the cavern ceiling. Climb to the top.

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