All Hallows - Cathedral Interior (part 1)

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After falling through the ceiling and picking up the large medi pack, turn so the lit chandelier is on Lara's right, then take a running jump to the dark ledge ahead to the left. Pick up the flares.

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot
Turn left, walk to the corner of this ledge, and look over the edge to spot a square pillar set forward from the long, rectangular ledge. Angle Lara toward this pillar.

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Hop back then take a standing jump to land on it. Drop into the square hole to get Uzi clips and another large medi pack.

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There's another similar hole at the other end of the long ledge. It is blocked by a trapdoor, which you'll open later. Ignore it for now and step out onto the square pillar set forward from the middle of the long ledge.

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You're now facing the domed central structure.

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Walk to the outer right corner of the pillar, hop back, and take a standing jump to land on the metal platform suspended below. Take another standing jump to land on the gray-and-white tiled ledge on the right side of the central structure. Then vault up into the slightly angled alcove ahead.

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Turn right, walk to the edge, and take a carefully angled standing jump to grab the horizontal crevice on the wall ahead. There's a blast of dramatic music but no real danger. Traverse to the left and pull up into an alcove with a switch.

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NOTE: If you miss grabbing the crevice but survive the fall, you can climb the wall of bookcases to reach the alcove with the switch.

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Once you reach the alcove, take the large medi pack and use the switch...

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot open a door down at ground level.

[Part 2 | Return to the All Hallows Walkthrough]