Valley of the Kings - Starting Area Combat

Here's one possible sequence for the combat encounter at the beginning of the level. Assuming you've been making all the pick-ups as you go and have shotgun ammo to spare, this will eliminate all the enemies quickly without Lara losing too much health. If you're using pistols, the same basic strategy should work, but you'll need to keep moving to avoid taking damage. Either flip side to side while shooting each enemy or shoot continuously as you approach them, run past them, roll, and continue firing until they fall.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Draw your weapon, run out into the open, and immediately turn right.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
When the first enemy climbs onto the nearby stone block, you'll see Lara raise the gun to aim. Blast him twice and that should take care of him.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Now turn and run toward the vehicles. The second enemy is lurking there. Run (or run and jump) around behind the Jeep...

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
...and shoot him twice.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Roll to face away from the man you just killed.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Then run/jump forward toward the third enemy. When you get close enough to target him, you'll see Lara raise the shotgun. Shoot twice and that should take care of him.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshotContinue forward and around the corner to the left.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshotThe fourth enemy appears here. Shoot him twice as well.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshotRoll...

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
...and run/jump forward toward the fifth enemy, who should be just emerging from behind the rock where you killed the first guy. Shoot him twice as you approach. Then veer off to the right to meet the sixth enemy, who climbs down from the opening in the southeast corner.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
When you get close enough, shoot him twice.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Now roll and run to meet the last enemy as he climbs down from the opening in the northeast corner.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Blast him twice and that's that.

[Valley of the Kings Walkthrough]