Out of Time - Exposing the Third Power Node

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
After you've taken care of the Yetis (one is still alive in the screenshot above), run or sprint forward along the walkway, moving counterclockwise around the huge circle and doing your best to avoid the fireballs and the flaming areas that remain on the floor where they've hit. You're headed for the reddish-colored wall just behind where Natla is hovering.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
There's a metal ring high on the wall between the two lines of red glyphs.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Grapple the ring and swing across the gap to the other side.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Follow the curved walkway forward toward the next buttress support (i.e., the stone structure with the two lines of red glyphs on it). Natla tries to slow you down with more fireballs, and another Yeti thrall materializes from the waterfall ahead. Work your way past those hazards. Then run into the small alcove at the front of the structure.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Push the carved panel with the glowing blue symbols forward as far as it will go. This exposes a power node on top of this structure. You'll need to destroy that a bit later on, but you can't reach it from here.

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