Coastal Forest - Tomb of the Lost Adventurer - Detail

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Now you can go around to the body of the plane...

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
...jump to grab the broken edge of the hold and climb up on top.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Scramble up the stabilizer, which is now oriented vertically.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Jump from there to grab the edge of the temple roof. Inside the temple you'll find a treasure chest, which when opened, gives 150 salvage and 250 XP, which should be enough for another Skill Point. You can save it or head right back to the Forest Ruins camp to unlock a skill.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
To get back to the entrance, step out onto the ledge overlooking the airplane and jump straight up to grab the zip line and slide down. Then follow the tunnel back to the main area.

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