Mountain Temple - Quick Time Event: Escaping from The Russian

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One of the men spots Lara and orders her out of her hiding place. Watch for the on-screen prompts and press the buttons just as the icons appear.

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First Melee (F/Triangle/Y) to kick the guy in the crotch.

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Then Melee again to bite him. If you fail in either of these, he chokes Lara. If you succeed, she manages to knock his gun away and scramble after it, freeing her hands in the process.

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When you see the targeting reticle on screen, aim at him with the mouse or right stick...

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...and press Fire (Left Mouse/R1RT).

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Next, follow the prompts and wiggle the left stick quickly back and forth from left to right. Or, if you're using a keyboard, alternate pressing Left and Right to break free.

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For the next button prompt, tap Interact (E/Square/X) repeatedly as Lara struggles to keep her grip on the gun...

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...then Fire (Left Mouse/R1RT) again to finish him off. If you fail, he shoots Lara and you have to try again.

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