Aldwych - From the Tall Brick Room with Flame Traps
to the First Solomon's Key

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After pressing the button in the alcove and climbing over the ledge beneath the flame trap, as shown in the previous set of screenshots, head to the left and climb a few steps and ledges...

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...into a low, dark room above the tracks. Watch out for the hole in the grating floor as you explore. At the far end of the room there's a rat guarding a large medi pack and some shotgun shells in an alcove.

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Get the goodies, then safety drop through the hole in the grating onto the platform below.

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Move to the edge of the dirt-rimmed pit.

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Turn around and safety drop onto the tracks below.

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Head forward down the tracks to the doorway on the right and re-enter the WOODEN CRATE ROOM.

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Climb the crates and vertical grating as you did before: First, take a running jump from the ledge above the entrance ramp to to grab the tall stack of crates in the middle of the room. Pull up.

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Stand in the middle of the crate that's two to the left of the slope, facing out over the open room.

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Side flip to the right to land on the slope...

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...and immediately jump forward to grab the grating above.

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Climb up until Lara's hands are on or around the second horizontal, metal band from the top. Then backflip onto the ledge behind.

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Climb onto the crate above and then jump forward to grab the grating on the ceiling.

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Monkey swing across the room and drop down onto the ledge near the DRILL ROOM.

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Slide down the slope and climb up next to the drill.

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Walk over the drill and climb into the red-and-pink, metal duct, where you'll find the FIRST SOLOMON'S KEY.

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