Crash Site - Cave with Switches (part 3)

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot
From the doorway, use the ceiling bars to monkey swing straight across to the other side of the cave.

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot
When Lara's chest is against the wall, briefly release Action and then re-press and hold it to grab onto the climbable wall.

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot
Climb down, left, then up into the alcove with the second switch.

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot
Pull it...

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot rearrange the bars on the ceiling again.

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot
Turn around, walk to the edge of the alcove.

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot
Then take a standing jump down to the pillar in the middle of the room. (You'll get the save/power-up crystal now if you didn't pick it up before.) Jump to grab the ledge below the entrance and pull up. Move into the alcove on the left.

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot
Use the first switch again (i.e., move it into the up position)...

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot rearrange the ceiling bars once more.

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot
Then climb back up into the doorway.

[Part 2 | Part 4 | Return to the Crash Site Walkthrough]