Nevada Desert - Secret #1 (part 2)

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot
This is SECRET #1. Shoot the 2 rattlesnakes from a safe distance before retrieving the save/power-up crystal, flares, and small medi pack.

Tomb Raider 3 screenshotThere's another snake near the low step on the other side of the room. Kill it as well.

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Step up into the alcove and locate the movable block on the long wall. (It's outlined in the screenshot above.)

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Push it once to open up the exit.

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Pick up the shotgun shells that were lying underneath the block and then climb back into the passageway.

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Climb up on the left, the same way you did earlier.

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This time don't drop down. Instead, jump over the 2 holes with barbed wire below. For the first one, take a running jump, grab the opposite edge, and pull up.

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For the second hole, take a running jump without grabbing. Then climb up on the right into the next area.

[Part 1 | Return to the Nevada Desert Walkthrough]