Madubu Gorge - Kayak Room - Heading Downriver

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This may sound bizarre, but if you want the next save/power-up crystal, it's actually much easier if you turn around and paddle through the gate backwards. (Thanks to Jsenecal for this tip.)

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As you slide down the chute facing uphill, paddle forward periodically to slow your descent.

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Then, when the waterfall widens, steer left and forward to fight the current...

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot you paddle over the cascade into the pool beyond.

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There are several waterfalls feeding this pool. Paddle forward and around to the left...

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot reach the one with the crystal. You probably noticed it several times as you explored the various caves and ledges. Now you can finally get it.

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Once you have the crystal, head back toward the cascade where you came down from the building, then around the corner to the right.

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Although there is a red tripwire below, try to stay to the left as you go over the waterfall.

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It's a long drop, but you can back paddle as you go so you don't land too hard. (If you go over the falls on the right, you'll land on a huge boulder and Lara will take damage.) Continue to back paddle as you cross the tripwire.

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This will slow you down so you aren't crushed by falling rocks ahead. Once they've settled, continue past them.

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As you move out into the slightly calmer pool ahead, steer to the left to cross the green tripwire, which deactivates the slicing blades on the right.

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