Thames Wharf - Industrial Area - Tank #3

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After pressing the button in the room just off tank #3, move out onto the metal walkway overlooking the empty tank.

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Jump straight up to grab the grates on the ceiling.

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Then monkey swing across the empty pool...

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...and drop down in the passageway on the far side.

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Shoot the 2 rats on the right.

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Turn around and crawl under the low overhang to get a small medi pack.

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Then continue along the hallway past the save/power-up crystal and through the metal doors, which close behind you.

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Pick up the large medi pack and drop into tank #2.

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Climb out of the tank into the doorway straight ahead. (The one on the right leads back to tank #3).

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Take out another guard in the passageway.

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Then follow the long corridor back to the room with the buttons and switch.

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Press the second button, on the left above the raised concrete area with the open trapdoor, to open the hatch at the bottom of tank #3 and refill that tank.

[Return to the Thames Wharf Walkthrough]